'Repleh Snatas' (Play this Game at Midnight)

    There was a story that if you write 'Repleh Snatas' backwards on a mirror 6 times in the light of a candle and then blow the candle out, the mirror will crack and if you relight the candle, you will see a little girl with a red mark on her face standing behind you in the reflection of the broken glass. Then, she will kill you And when you suppose to relight the candle, close your eyes, and blow it out and then she will be gone.

'Repleh Snatas' is apparently the girl whom was murdered by her father as he believed her to be marked by the Devil. He used to lock her in a room full of mirrors and tell her that if she looked in the mirror that it would crack, and then the devil would get her.

 If you spell  'Repleh Snatas' backwards it can be read as  Satan's Helper.

    This little girl also has a web page that connects you with her. The website is damn creepy. The sounds and voices spook you out and it takes a helluva courage to move forward. There are levels and you have to move from one page to another by clicking various pictures and clues.

    So, you type in your name and your email and she notifies you to come back at midnight to 'play'. If you go back to the page at midnight apparently it is now different and has all these weird pictures of the little girl with the mark on her face. The you suppose to put in the name of someone who has done you wrongly and she will exact revenge for you but in return, she will appear in your dreams every night till you die.

    I personally don’t believe in the legend and think it is all in mind because when you see it, it will be the only thing on your mind. So, the more you think about it, more you will feel her presence. It is all in believing.

If you are in curious, you can visit the game here www.replehsnatas.com.



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